Candidate Scoring
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Candidate Scoring

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Article summary

Talenteria's AI-driven Candidate Scoring is designed to streamline your candidate evaluation process by objectively assessing qualifications, experience, education, and skills. This powerful tool provides a consistent and data-driven approach to identifying top candidates for your job openings. In this guide, we'll delve into the mechanics of AI Candidate Scoring, when it's performed, and where you can access the scoring results.

Understanding the Scoring Mechanism and Formula

Talenteria's AI Candidate Scoring employs a scoring mechanism that assigns a score between 0 and 10 to each candidate based on their experience, education, and skills. Here's how it works:

  • Experience Score (0 - 10): The candidate's years of relevant experience contribute to the score. Candidate Working History records are matched with the Job position title, description and requirements. More years of relevant experience generally lead to a higher score.
  • Education(0 - 10): The level of education attained by the candidate is factored into the score and compared with the Education Level requirement field specified on a Job. 
  • Skills(0 - 10): The specific candidate skills, which are parsed from a resume or filled in on an application form, are compared with the job requirements specified in the Skills Required field on a Job.

Besides that, you can specify the importance of each criterion in the overall AI Score.

Total Score = (Experience Score * Experience Importance + Education Score * Education Importance + Skills Score * Skills Importance) /(Max Score * Experience Importance + Max Score * Education Importance + Max Score * Skills Importance)

Max Score is 10.

Custom Instructions

The custom instructions fields are used to specify additional requirements or expectations, which will be considered by the AI scoring engine when performing the evaluation.

Sample Custom Instructions:

  • Give additional score to candidates with over 5 years of experience in the renewable energy sector, particularly those who have worked on solar or wind projects
  • Give extra score to candidates demonstrating advanced proficiency in Python and R for data analysis roles.
  • Score higher the candidates with a Ph.D. or Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering
  • Evaluate and score candidates higher for senior management roles if they have proven experience in leading cross-functional teams in multinational companies

When AI Candidate Scoring is Performed

Talenteria's AI Candidate Scoring is executed at two key points in the recruitment process:

  • When a New Candidate Applies: As soon as a candidate applies for a job through your career site, Talenteria's AI assesses their profile, experience, education, and skills to generate an initial score.
  • When Linking a Candidate to a Job: When you manually link a candidate to a specific job opening within Talenteria's platform, the AI recalculates the candidate's score based on how well their qualifications align with that particular job's requirements.

Accessing Scoring Results

The AI Candidate Scoring results are conveniently accessible within the Talenteria platform:

  • Candidate List: On the main candidate list, you'll see an additional column displaying each candidate's AI-generated score. This at-a-glance view helps you quickly gauge the relative suitability of candidates.
  • Candidate Card: When you access an individual candidate's profile, the AI-generated score is prominently displayed. This assists you in making more informed decisions when considering a candidate for a role.

Mouse over the "i" icon to read the AI comments related to each scoring criterion.

In conclusion, Talenteria's AI Candidate Scoring feature empowers you with an objective and efficient method of evaluating candidates based on their experience, education, and skills. By leveraging this AI-driven scoring mechanism, you can streamline your recruitment process, enhance candidate selection, and make well-informed hiring decisions.