Invite a candidate to a job
  • 31 Dec 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Invite a candidate to a job

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Article summary

When you decide that one of a candidates in a talent pool is suitable for a job, you can invite such a candidate for the job. The candidate will receive an email invitation, and then, if accepted, linked to a job opening.

To invite a candidate from a talent pool to a job:

  1.  Go to Candidates, Job Openings and Talent Pools > Talent Pools.
  2.  On the Talent Pool page, select the title of a talent pool that includes the candidate you want to invite to open the talent pool details.
  3.  On the Talent Pool Details page, select the icon next to the candidate that you want to invite to a job, and then select Invite to Job Opening.
  4.  In the Invite to a Job Opening dialog window, in the Select Job field, select a job that you want to invite the candidate to.
  5.  In the Select Site field, select the career site that will be specified as the source.
  6.  In the Invitation Message field, review and change if necessary the invitation email.
  7.  Select the Send Invitation button to send the invitation by email.

If the candidate accepts the invitation, they will be removed from the talent pool and become linked to the job opening.