- 16 Jul 2024
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- Updated on 16 Jul 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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In Talenteria, you can schedule job interviews with candidates. To be able to schedule an interview for a job opening with a candidate, the candidate must be linked to this job opening, either manually or by applying for the job on the career site.
Go to Interviews > Interviews to open the Interview list page, where you can see upcoming interviews that have already been scheduled, schedule new interviews, and manage the interviews.

Interview List:
Upcoming - manually scheduled interviews with an interview date in the future or AI interviews that are not started yet
Incomplete - AI interviews that were started by a candidate but not completed yet
Pending Feedback - manually scheduled interviews were conducted, but feedback from interviewers is pending.
Completed - completed manual or AI interviews
Canceled - interviews that were canceled by a candidate
In the Upcoming Interviews pane, you can see all upcoming interviews. Select the Interview Details button to view detailed information about the interviews, as well as to edit or cancel the interview. Alternatively, you can select and hold (or double-click) an interview in the interview calendar to view or edit its details.
In the interview calendar, you can set filters to view scheduled interviews for a specific day, week, or month.