Schedule a job interview
  • 19 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Schedule a job interview

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Article summary

You can schedule job interviews with candidates that have applied for a job or were manually linked to a job opening.

To scedule a job interview with a candidate:

  1. Go to Interviews > Interviews.
  2. In the Upcoming Interviews pane, select the Schedule Interview button.
  3.  In the Schedule Interviewwindow, fill in the fields as described below:
    • Job - Specifies the title of the job opening for which the interview will be conducted. You select any job opening currently created in Talenteria.
    • Candidate- Specifies the name of the candidate with whom the interview will be conducted. 
      Only candidates that were linked to or appliedfor the job opening, specified in the Jobfield, will be available for selection.
    • Organizer - Specifies the organizer of the interview. By default, the administartor account is specified here. You can select a different user from the list.
    • Interview Date - Specifies the date when the interview will be conducted. 
    • Start Time - Specifies the time when the interview will start.
    • End Time - Specifies the time when the interview will end.
    • Duration (min) - Specifies the duration of the interview in minuted, The duration is calculated automatically using the start and end time that you specified.
    • Online - Specifies that the interview will be conducted online. If you select this check box, you will need to provide a link to an online meeting in the Online Meeting Link field that will become available instead of the Location field.
    • Location/Online Meeting Link - Specified the location where the interview will be conducted or, in case you selected the Online check box, a link to an online meeting.
    • Time Zone - Specifies the time zone in which the interview will take place.
    • Additional Information - Specifies additional information about the interview. This information will be visible in the interview details and will be sent to the candidate in the email notification.
    • Interviewers - Specifies interviewer(s) who will conduct the interview. You can select interviewers among currently registered users of Talenteria.
  4. Select the Create button.

An email invitation will be sent to the candidate with a link to a page where they need to accept or reject the interview.


Once the candidate accepts the interview invitation, another email notification will be sent with details about the scheduled interview.