Skill groups
  • 24 Dec 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Skill groups

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Article summary

Skill groups are used to group skills on an application form. When you are creating a new skill, you need to assign it to a skill group.

To set up skill groups:

  1.  Go to Settings > Skills Settings > Skills Groups.
  2.  Select the Create Skills Group button.
  3.  In the Create Skills Group window, in the Title field, type a unique title of the skill group.
  4. Select the Create button. 

Edit a skill group

To edit a skill:

  1.  Go to Settings > Skill Settings > Skills Groups.
  2.  Select the title of the skill group that you want to edit.
  3.  In the Update Skills Group window, edit the skill group title.
  4.  Select the Update button when you are done making changes.

Delete a skill group

To delete a skill:

  1.  Go to Settings > Skill Settings > Skills Groups.
  2.  Select the  icon next to the skill group that you want to delete.
  3. Select Yes, delete it! on the confirmation message that appears.

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