Talent pools
  • 31 Dec 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Talent pools

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Article summary

A talent pool is a database of talent profiles, potential job candidates. Candidates from different stages of their candidate journey may be a part of your talent pool. In Talenteria, talent pools are created per job, i.e. you collect potential candidates for specific job openings.

You can publish talent pools on your career sites so that candidates could add themselves to these talent pools. This is useful if you don't have a job opening for a specific job yet, but you want to gather a talent pool so that you have a list of potential candidates as soon as such a job opening becomes available.

To view existing talent pools, go to Candidates, Job Openings and Talent Pools > Talent Pools.

Select the talent pool title to view its details.

The Talent Pool Details page has the following tabs:

  • Candidates – On the this tab, you can view all candidates added to this talent pool. You can filter candidates by their status, change candidate status, shortlist and delete candidates in the same way as on the Candidates page. Additionally, you can invite a candidate to a job from this page.
  • Talent Pool Ad – This page shows information about the job add, related to this talent pool.
    • Talent Pool Page Template – Specifies the web page template associated with this talent pool ad. Specifying this page template is optional. If you leave it empty here, the page template created for all your career sites will be used by default. Specify a page template here only if you want to override the default page template for this specific talent pool add. Select the Select Talent Pool Page Template button to select a page template for this talent pool (instead of the career site's default template), or the Customize Talent Pool Page button to customize it.
    • Job Opening Application Form – Specifies the job opening application form that candidates will use to apply for the job, related to this talent pool. Specifying this job opening application form is optional. If you leave it empty here, the application form created for all your career sites will be used by default. Specify an application form here only if you want to override the default page template for this specific talent pool add. Select the Select Job Opening Application Form button to select a job application form for this talent pool (instead of the career site's default application form).
  • Details - Shows general information about the talent pool. To edit this information, edit the talent pool using the Edit button on the talent pool header.
  • Analytics - Shows statistics, related to this talent pool:
    • total number of candidates who applied for the associated job opening
    • total number of job opening page views
    • conversion rate (ratio of job opening page views to candidates who applied)
    • Number of job opening page visitors by source
    • Number of applied candidates by source